The Vista UMC Story
History of Vista de la Montaña United Methodist Church
September 9, 1990 – This was the day our congregation was “born” with 161 persons present. We first met in the cafenasium of Coronado Middle School (at the intersection of Oracle and Wilds Roads) after months of careful planning. The Bishop and Cabinet of the Desert Southwest Conference looked at the geographical location and setting from which our members would come and gave us the name Vista de la Montaña United Methodist Church. Quoting our founding pastor Reverend Donald B. Cooke, “The beautiful range of the Catalina Mountains form the backdrop of the entire area to be served making the name (which in Spanish means ‘View of the Mountain’) most appropriate. History likewise reminds us of the Hispanic roots of this area, and had it not been for the Gadsden Purchase of 1853 which acquired the 29,640 square miles south of the Gila River, we might be living in Mexico today. With such a rich Hispanic culture of language, art and music, it seemed most appropriate to name this new church using the beauty of the Spanish language.” We had a Christmas Eve children’s pageant and candle lighting service. Administrative space was rented in the State Farm building in Catalina beside King Kone Ice Cream Parlor (what is now Arby’s). A Space Team was formed to search for a permanent church site. Rev. Cooke and the team walked and evaluated about a dozen available sites.
March 24, 1991 – Was Constituting Sunday, on Palm Sunday, to receive our charter, with 142 persons present. This was followed by a potluck in Catalina State Park. We Methodists do love our potlucks! By the end of our first full year of meeting in the school, we had Sunday School classes for children, youth, and adults as well as adult, youth, and children’s choirs. Two United Methodist Women Circles and our United Methodist Men’s group were formed and are still very active today. A Singles Ministry was started. The school was under a flu quarantine in February, but we brought our own folding chairs and met outside for a couple of weeks even though it was very cold and windy! Eleven youth were confirmed on Pentecost Sunday in May. TMM’s Rillito Children’s Center and the Catalina Community Food Bank were selected to be our mission projects. Childcare began for infants and toddlers through 4 years of age. We participated with Vacation Bible School at St. Marks UMC.
July 1, 1992 – Dr. Stewart L. Elson “Stu” became our pastor. Don Cooke had to take early retirement due to his battle with prostate cancer. “Miracle Sunday” was held on Vista’s 2nd anniversary, September 6, 1992, to raise funds to purchase the 10+ acre Titan Missile site where our church now stands,
A few of the significant milestones from then to now:
1993 A Building Committee was appointed, Albanese Brooks Associates was selected as architects and Dream Sunday for every person to record their dreams for our new buildings. We commissioned Jim and Nedra Starkey to be in mission at Camp Hope in Colorado. Our 1st Easter Sunrise Service was on site, on folding chairs. Missile site preparation began.
1994 DSWC-owned modular was transported from Desert Skies UMC to our site, and a covered fellowship porch was attached. The first worship service in our new modular was September 4, Vista’s 4th birthday. November 6 was Consecration Sunday.
1995 The church sign and flagpole for the UMC flame and cross flag were installed on our easement at Oracle Road and Miravista Lane. The Cooke’s son Jeff designed and built our first permanent structure, in the shape of a fish, for the Cooke Meditation Garden.
1997 Water and sewer lines were engineered and completed (no more potable water and septic tank/leach field). We were growing and needed more space. Thus a second used modular building was purchased, with an extension built for the two restrooms, and transported from Phoenix to be our sanctuary. The cement fellowship covered patio was extended to connect the two buildings. Byron Haines, a retired United Methodist pastor in Vista’s congregation, made a beautiful four foot cross and communion table of native mesquite wood. Our first worship service in our new sanctuary was October 19, 1997.
1999 Vista enrolled as a Stephen Ministry congregation.
November 11, 2001 Groundbreaking occurred for our Worship Center/Fellowship Hall with ABA architects and T.L. Roof Construction Company.
September 8, 2002 Reverend Jon Leonard, our pastor throughout the construction, officiated at our first worship service in our Worship Center/Fellowship Hall.
November 19, 2002 The Consecration of our new buildings and the Columbarium & Memorial Garden.
March 20, 2011 We commemorated the 20th anniversary of receiving our charter and recognizing our charter members. A time capsule was buried on Memorial Day Sunday, May 29, 2011, to be opened on Charter Sunday, March 2031
November 13, 2016 Dream Sunday. The congregation was invited to share their dreams and ideas for Vista’s future.
2017 March Miracle Sunday Money was raised to put in the South Handicapped and Limited mobility parking lot and also for upgrading equipment for Live Streaming.
2018 Vista established a Satellite Fellowship in San Manuel, AZ.
2019 May 1 The office staff moved from the Admin building to temporary offices at Wycliffe-SIL at 16131 N Vernon Drive to continue operating until the new building is complete. The Admin building was sold and moved to El Paso. Ed’s building was demolished.
1990 Don Cooke
1992 Stu Elson
2001 Andy Werft
2002 Jon Leonard
Matt Colby, Associate Pastor
2005 Monte Baker
Matt Colby, Associate Pastor
2011 Dave Patterson
2014 Ed Bonneau
2015 Fred Baum
2024 Deborah Christine, Interim Pastor
2024 Mary Dotson
CHARTER MEMBERS (became members between 9/9/90 and Constituting Sunday 3/24/91 (children not listed as charter members, but were very active from day one!!!)
Bert & Ethel Amator Charles & Margaret Holden
Don & Yvonne Axe Maxine Kilburn
Dana & Jean Belyea Jo Knepp
Diane Bynum Norman & Diana Knox
Fern Calhoun Alice Kuntrim
Russell & Dorothy Carter Michael & Rennae Kruger
Dolores Cochran Vic & Virginia LaFave
John & Janette Coltharp Trudy Larimore
Don & Lois Cooke Dale & Faye Mather
Francis & Fern Craner Catherine McAvoy
Irene Demarais Jim & Bonnie McKnight
David & Jacquelin DiPalermo John & Rosemary Minder
Earl & Lucille Dollahan Neal & Linda Mullard
Alice Douglas Don & Eyleen Paugh
Sam & Gloria Engle Emory & Betty Payne
Spud & Alma Ensing Burton & Mariann Randle
Wyman & Maude Eske Walt & Mary Louise Roberson
Neil & Joyce Everingham Gilbert & Dorothy Scheeringa
Clif & Laurie Extract George & Marilou Skuta
Grover & Claire Foreman Jim & Nedra Starkey
Mildred Fox Bud & Pat Stoddard
Ben & Betty Frisch Susan Tjossem
Jim & Alberta Gibson Nancy Yob
June Guptill Howard & Mary Lou Young