Mary Bellah
Born in Sharon, Pennsylvania, Mary grew up in Hubbard, Ohio and began taking piano lessons at age seven.
She continued piano/organ studies at Anderson University, Anderson, Indiana where she studied organ with Dr. Shirley King Coolidge and Dr. Marilyn Mason. While in college, she was in demand as an accompanist for
soloists and musical groups. In1967 she married Bill and they have been partners in music ministry ever since.
They were both ordained as Ministers of Music in 1971.
She accompanied and sang with Doug Oldham, Sandi Patti and the “Singing Servants,” a group of singing
ministers and spouses in the greater Los Angeles area. She also served as accompanist along with Dick
Anthony for the Greater Los Angeles Sunday School Convention. She sang with Henry and Hazel Slaughter
on “Impact”, a weekly television program headquartered in Huntington, West Virginia.
She served as accompanist for Tucson Master Singers, Red Letter Edition, The Amphitheater High School
Choir, Foothills Women’s Chorus (Southern Arizona Women’s Chorus), Oro Valley Church of the Nazarene,
Foothills Presbyterian, First Church of God and for the past 21 years, Vista de la Montaña United Methodist.
She has served on the music staff with congregations in Kentucky, Ohio, California, and Arizona. She
currently serves as accompanist for Catalinas Community Chorus in Tucson and accompanist/organist for Vista de la Montaña United Methodist Church.
She and her family traveled for 2 1/2 years giving over 250 concerts in 19 states to local congregations,
national and statewide conventions and camp meetings. Twice, with the Vista de la Montaña chancel choir, she sang in Carnegie Hall’s concert series under the direction of Dr. David Thye. She retired from the
Amphitheater School District as an Administrative Assistant in 2007.
She enjoys arranging & playing music, traveling, fishing, hiking, reading, jigsaw puzzles, board games and
spending time with her two grandsons and family.
Her unique ability to play classical, sacred, gospel, as well as the standards, rock and jazz with equal
proficiency and artistry has created a demand for her skills within the musical community.
She continued piano/organ studies at Anderson University, Anderson, Indiana where she studied organ with Dr. Shirley King Coolidge and Dr. Marilyn Mason. While in college, she was in demand as an accompanist for
soloists and musical groups. In1967 she married Bill and they have been partners in music ministry ever since.
They were both ordained as Ministers of Music in 1971.
She accompanied and sang with Doug Oldham, Sandi Patti and the “Singing Servants,” a group of singing
ministers and spouses in the greater Los Angeles area. She also served as accompanist along with Dick
Anthony for the Greater Los Angeles Sunday School Convention. She sang with Henry and Hazel Slaughter
on “Impact”, a weekly television program headquartered in Huntington, West Virginia.
She served as accompanist for Tucson Master Singers, Red Letter Edition, The Amphitheater High School
Choir, Foothills Women’s Chorus (Southern Arizona Women’s Chorus), Oro Valley Church of the Nazarene,
Foothills Presbyterian, First Church of God and for the past 21 years, Vista de la Montaña United Methodist.
She has served on the music staff with congregations in Kentucky, Ohio, California, and Arizona. She
currently serves as accompanist for Catalinas Community Chorus in Tucson and accompanist/organist for Vista de la Montaña United Methodist Church.
She and her family traveled for 2 1/2 years giving over 250 concerts in 19 states to local congregations,
national and statewide conventions and camp meetings. Twice, with the Vista de la Montaña chancel choir, she sang in Carnegie Hall’s concert series under the direction of Dr. David Thye. She retired from the
Amphitheater School District as an Administrative Assistant in 2007.
She enjoys arranging & playing music, traveling, fishing, hiking, reading, jigsaw puzzles, board games and
spending time with her two grandsons and family.
Her unique ability to play classical, sacred, gospel, as well as the standards, rock and jazz with equal
proficiency and artistry has created a demand for her skills within the musical community.