First Persons Class, Part 2
July 10, 17, 24 and 31
Our summer sessions this year are a continuation of the very popular class held last year. It is based on the study by well-known theologian, Matt Rawle entitled “First Persons”. Each class is based on his idea of the type of people who might have attended the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Each week the new role is defined, historical data about these careers is discussed and what might have been their attitudes about Jesus and his crucifixion. Though the author has created these characters, the reenactment facilitates interesting class discussions about this culmination of Jesus’ time on earth.
First person narratives have a unique power in teaching.

Our July Wednesday “First Persons” stories include:
The Tax Collector—Matt 9:9-13, Mark2:13-17, Luke7:34, 15:1-2, 19:1-10
Zebedee’s Steward–John 2:1-11
The Olive Presser—Luke10:38-42, John11:1-47, 12-1-9
The High Priest’s Guard—Matt 26:3-5, 47-68, Mark 14:43-65, Luke 22:47-54, 63:71, John 11:45-57, 18:1-14, 19:24
Each week stands alone. Come as your schedule permits! Jim and Linda Galka, facilitators
Wednesdays, 10 AM in the Elizabeth Room
Call the church office to register. (520) 825-1985
Adult Sunday School After Worship
Adult Sunday School meets at 11:30 am in the St. Matthew Room. Join us for dynamic DVD’s by well-known preachers. We are currently studying a new series on “Love” as a verb. How to act in a positive way in situations that we may be feeling very negative about. In Biblical terms called “Agape”. The DVD is followed by thoughtful, encouraging discussions and prayer concerns. All are welcome!
Experience the Travel Narrative of Acts
Fall Study Begins October 2, 2024 at 9:45 AM in the Elizabeth Room for six Wednesday mornings. Come experience the travel narrative of Acts, tracking the exciting journey of the early church from Jerusalem to Rome all propelled by God’s dynamic Spirit. This study will be led by Reverend Dr. Jim Lubach. No books are required except your Bible. See Donna Boring or call the church office for registration.